Thursday, April 22, 2010


Ok today,I have double intramurals and have waaaay too much time on my hands so excuse me. This might be a long one. What is it about risk thats so...intriguing? so thrilling. You really want something but your afraid something will go wrong. You hate it,you worry about it, but you love it. But why? Is it because it doesnt happen often? Or because...risk is..risk? Also, risk is extremly hard to resist. Risking being killed to be with the one you love. You want so strongly to resist it but you can't. Because you know you're supposed to be with that person. On the other hand there are things that are just plain stupid. Like trying to rob a gun store.(wow..that was an interesting simile XD) You walk in,and hold a gun to the clerk..only finding hes pointing a gun back at you. Real nice. Why do people even take idiotic risks like that? dares? trying to make yourself look good? attention? I say anyone who would ever think to b that dumb was certainly raised on bad influence. I believe being a teen is about taking risks and doing things you can only do now or never. But not things you know have instant consequences with the bare fact that theres no chance of succeeding but only risking it for your 5 minutes of fame. We take risks we dont even realize half the time. They may not be dangerous but we do. Everytime we get in a car, bus, train, plane, boat, or vehicle of any sort we risk crashing dont we? Life is actually full of risks. omg ive still got 30 min in here. Well ill try and decorate some. Dont wana fry ur braincells too much without some pretty colors. XP Love and Hugs and WAAAAAY too much time on my hands,

This Is The Hidden Reality


  1. Happy 3 month anniversary sweetie! *kisses* I NEEd 2 cu b4 monday (which is wen iget my suckish report card) PLEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSEEEE get ur mom 2 let u c me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I Miss U and Love U!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. fine if u call me my love..and dont worry accept for science my grade have gone up. and happy 3 months back!told tiffy-chan 2 tell u 4 me. see the pic at the bottom? ^-^ i love you! maybe i can come with u saturday! pretty please call me 2day or 2morro!! i love youuu!!!
