Sunday, December 4, 2011

A Sinful Cooperation

Oh my goodness it's been so long since I've actually blogged. I've changed so much. From boyfriends to mindsets, everything is different. In the time I've been gone though, I've met some amazing people. Believe it or not, a smile can make a room glow. A simple comment can make a heart beat at light-speed. He is the result of that. He is a beautiful heart of which I pursue with my greatest desires. The very thought of him...heart pounding, throat thickening, chills. He'll never know just what he is to me. He'll never see what I feel for him. He'll never want someone quite like me. However, he is not shallow-minded. There is simply a time for everything, in which I believe in with the utmost determination. Someday, I'll get my chance. It's so close I can taste it. But it's ravaging my soul like a maniac. I try and try and try to impress what can't be mine. I hope and pray that one day it'll be worth my time. I hope he appreciates it. I hope he knows. I hope he knows this heart beats for him harder than anyone before. (That was an extremely cheesy line..forgive me.) Despite the pain of waiting, its an extraordinary rush. He walks in a room, I blush. He sends me a message, I blush. I seriously think I'm going to have heart problems if it continues like this. Well, I hope he sees this and knows what he actually is to me. Although, I'm sure he already knows what he is to me. He just knows I'll wait like a good girl. (pure douchebaggery.) He knows he can control me. He knows I'd do anything for him. All in all, He knows his Aura never leaves him.

This is the Hidden Reality.