Thursday, April 29, 2010

For you

For my love. An add-on to todays blog. You are my life. I will never stop loving you. Believe in us with all your heart and we will stay together until the end of time and beyond. I hate what the world is doing to us. It truly kills me inside. 3 years and we will be free. At least you will be my love. 4 years for me. "I was born to tell you I love you. and I am torn to do what I have to to make you mine..stay with me tonight." the most beautiful lyrics ive heard in quite a while. And i know theyre true more then anything for us. And i cant help how ambitious our love makes me feel. So curious like a child. yet so worried like someone waiting in the hospital for a loved one. I know youre doing the best you can. And all I can do is pray for you. I do more then anyone Ive ever prayed for. I told my mother about your parents hatred for me. Ive found some good in my mother at this point. She agreed with me that you arent treated right. We WILL find a way...if they will let you please write me. I have but 1 stamp left so im saving it for something special. I feel magical for some reason lately. Like I know I can make something happen for us. something that will change your familys opinion. Something extraoridinary. I just havent thought of it yet. So my love. I will begin writing poetry for our book as well. you and I have got our lives ahead of us and Im not going to let your parents ruin that for you. You are my true knight in shining armour and i thank you so much for everything you do for me. So for you my love. I will do my best to think of a plan. Think of a way to get you out of this. For the hidden world to see us in love is like a movie almost. I wonder how many random people read these and feel strongly for what were going through. I wonder alot of things. But one thing i already know the answer to is that I know well be together forever no matter what. i was lucky to have this extra comp time in spanish so i could type this message. This is a note to the world. A note to anyone with a true love and a true heart. A reminder that love is real. And the purest form is found in the hearts of young people. Pure love,pure curiosity, pure perfection. Perfection adults enjoy destroying. I was wondering where my mind was today. Now we know Im a better write after lunch *giggles*. Before my dedication to you gets to long I should go. I have much to say but Ive probably already said too much. I love you my darling. Stay with me. We WILL make it.

This Has Been MY Hidden Reality
~*Moon.Is.Hidden....for you*~

1 comment:

  1. i am aorry for the things you two are going trough..its just horrible..i dont understand just beacuse he isn his son they have to find a way to torment him..but he is her son..i dont see why a mother could do such a thing to her child..i mean your never suppose to choose love over your children..if you are the most horrible person in the world..if you dont let your child do what ever makes them happy..i mean if not doing well in skool because you are always on his mind makes him happy..then it was probably ment to be...if he wont eat until he sees or talks to you and they still dont let him see you that is REDICOULS!!! i dont understan his parent and step parents method on raseing kids..its useless..treat one with disrespect and punishment when he has done nothing wrong..all he has done is love the one he loves and they dont like it...honestly i didnt like you at first either..but now i see you are a very awsome and special actually just like me in every way except your younger..thats the only difference..well and that you love j in a different way..but you can do all the things i can and you like all the things i if his parents dont like you then they wont like me..and im one of his close friends..i mean ill probably never go to his house..but his dads maybe..but i have to go..i have to go to lunch now.
    with luck and love for your whole day
