Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Bipolar Witch

Ok,so today I wana talk about one of this mornings mishaps with someone who is supposedly my friend. We were in band all nice n mellow and what-not when whats-her-face id ranting to another girl about...how basically someone else plays saxophone better then her. I come over and try and calmly tell her they both have great potential and are both good players. She looks at me as if I'd just told her biggest secret and replies with "YOU! SHUT UP AND GO AWAY YOU'RE NOT HELPING!" and then says the same to another girl trying to explain the same concept to her. Ok so heres the part thats got me wondering..why??!! yes we ALL know you're bipolar..trust me ive known you 9 years. But rly? blow off logic for rage? Thats just..im sorry but thats just stupid. If anyone out there has met anyone like this they cannot be as bad as her. I dont even know what to call a person like this. But if I had to name her id simply call her no good. Anyone who thinks theyre better then everyone else and gets mad when someone simply tries to tell them were all equal is a bit selfish maybe? heh..also..unless youre close to me or if i ask u to, i hate wen ppl touch me T~T. This morning I unknowingly had a small streak of eyeliner under my eye. she INSISTS on removing it for me so just suddenly starts touching my face. If youre close to me at all you know I HATE when people touch my nose. Guess who touched my nose T~T. So afterward I went out into the hall to talk to my good buddy DMC. We now have an inside joke about it XP. *pokes her face* DID I CURE UR UGLINESS YET!? OH NOEZ YOURE STILL BETTER THEN ME LET ME FIX IT!!! lolz its quite entertaining. Another thing. I only let one person touch my belly button..one person lol. and he should feel privelidged for that! lol! just thought id throw that out there lol. Ok i promised myself I wouldnt make this blog so long but I cant help it! arg! questions or comments below! Love and Hugs and Too much time on my hands!

This Is The Hidden Reality


  1. OMG!!! thats so weird i really hate it when people touch my nose..cause everytime someone does it twiches and i hate it even though i cant help it...ughhh...but i do know someone that is MAJOR biopolor!!! she used to be my bestfriend..but i cant take her crazyness...shes also dating my brother..ughh..hater!!! any way...she practically lives off other peoples problems and to make you life a living HELL!!!! really...like the other day i cought her talking poop about me to who she thought was my brother..(it was meh..hehe) and now she cant handle the fact that i wont talk to her or even pay attention that she is alive..i act like shes not there..and my brother thinks its funny..and the funnier thing about it is that my brother got a job and she thought it was to give her all the money he makes...but hes saving it to move out and away from her..hehehe what a tard..so now that she thinks hes living she started to eat a lot and now shes saying shes prego...but her mom took her to the doc and she was just fat hehehe thats actually what the docter told her..was that she was just gaining a lot of weight..hehe how many times do you hear that?
    haha..i still think its halarouis!!!but i know exactly how you feel with you biopolior problem..i gots one..
    do you know any extermataners for them?
    if so i WANT the number ^.^

  2. wheres my j-sama? 0.0..he didnt read today? ='( thats unusual..*sniff*
