Monday, May 3, 2010

hibernating thoughts and some randomness

ok. So today I havent much time. Sorry if todays blog is especially short. people say they "have thoughts in the back of their minds" so are they like hibernating back there like bears? and like wake up when people get a better remembrance to them? like..if u forgot to do something for a long long time..and then like 5 years later you just remember you forgot that something..would u have had a hibernating thought? (OH YEA UI JUST GOT PERMISSION TO BE HERE CUZ IM IN GIFTED LOL) Ok so what if you loved someone..then you were away from them for a really long time. Then you came back to them and you remembered how much you love that person. Is that a hibernating thought? For that matter do thoguhts really hibernate? lol..I gess they sorta sleep. kinda like thoughts that get lost..i kinda like hibernation better. lol. Im trying to type as fast as I can considering the bell just rang. Ijm really really sorry this blog is so short. I love you all. Peace Ok Im back after lunch Im sorry for the whole corruption earlier. So back to the topic. oh forget it its randomness time...WEES PEANUT BUTTER COOKIES ARENT SPANISH!! omg this is interesting. Were supposed to be looking up spanish food recipes but you know im prolly just guna end up bringing 2 litres like always. And now wees is hyperventilating becuz he has 2 pee so bad. breathe wees breathe..O.O. for those of you reading wees is my good buddy. *sneezes* ewww sneeze juice..I was making Ms. H very angry today *giggles*I kept saying i need to blog and she wanted to slap me but she couldnt cuz we were in gifted XP TEEHEE. Wees is still talking ab how he just had 2 pee. And how he feels like a princess....alrighty thn. I think Ill straighten my hair soon. My flip flops keep falling off. Stupid flip flops. There is nothing worse then a wet stick >.>. STUPID FLIP FLOPS. mellllaaannnnchhhooolllyyyyyy. blue peacock balls on a stick....Hell yes. Welp ima post now so yall have somethin 2 read. toodles
This Is The Hidden Realityy

(will finish after lunch)


  1. is it bad tht i actually understood some of tht? hehe...wet stick...MYSTICAL CAT COUNCIL!!!!!! i miss uuuuuu...yesterday i called my mom a whore and she smacked me in th face...i wish i lived w u! please rescue me from the nazi hell tht is my house! oh,and btw...i looove u!

  2. wow you are having a pretty good random day..meh to..oh oh guess what?? i did a quize to find out what weather i was and i was snow...and im a apple, a vanilla chocolate cupcake and i was a welp idk what else i was but ima go

  3. im posting another one just to b btr than i win and if she sends more later thay dont count bc i said so1 luv u...

  4. lol nice tiffy-chan....and j-sama that awful O.O...thats..thats abuse!!Ill get you out of there someday my love!! I promise!!! Those nazis wont take you from me *death glare*...they make me so angry...AAARRRGGHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!...ily 2 btw

  5. nyerg..i miss you =(...i stayed up til 3 am yesterday..i just get insomnia thinking ab you..listen to the current song makes me smile
