Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Does Depression Really Hurt? make blogger work on my iPhone I have to type it in a note and copy/paste..its very awkward but im trying to make it work to keep it updated. So anyway, you all know my position because of the previous post. Well I was recently told that i get over relationships to quickly in the first place. In my opinion this could be a good thing. I believe in anything but depression. I believe sadness naturally occurs but I don't believe it naturally drags on for long periods of time unless it was a truly life changing experience. In today's generation teenagers such as some friends and enemies of mine use the so called emotion simply to gain attention. Personally, I think using depression as an excuse to get compliments and sympathy would make anyone look like the smaller person in this picture; the person who is too shallow to be happy with themself. Teenagers also tend to use the excuse to get prescription drugs and other things that could drastically impact a young person's life. What happened to finding beauty instead of pain? Depression in cases such as Edgar Allan Poe could've truly been diagnosed seriously in our day and age, but the world's idea of depression now is just a lousy excuse, but tell me followers, whats your opinion? Comment below.

This Is The Hidden Reality

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